Here are all of the items AND enemies found in Doom 3, I will do this for every level and maybe later it will be more detailedand I've detailed everything there is on all difficulties. I am currently adding all enemy triggers (T). Enemieswithout T are always spawned.
Underground Security Checkpoint:
1 Pistol
2 Bullets
1 Medkit Small
1 Security Armor
2 Armor Shards
Underground Junction:
1 Medkit Large
1 Shells Small
3 Armor Shards
Maintenance Area CS1 (Energy Stabilization):
6 Armor Shards
Convergence Chamber 1
Energy Stabilization Unit (Locker):
1 Medkit Small
3 Armor Shards
1 Shells Small
Convergence Chamber 2
Energy Processing:
6 Armor Shards
Energy Delivery:
1 Bullets
1 Medkit Small
4 Armor Shards
Maintenance Area PD1:
1 Shells Small
2 Armor Shards
Underground Garage:
1 Pistol
1 Medkit Small on Marine
Airlock MC-2a
Mars Surface:
1 Adrenaline
3 Armor Shards
1 Clip Large
Airlock CT-1c
Old Comm Storage:
2 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
5 Armor Shards
Old Comm Engineering Elevator
Old Comm Main:
1 Zombie T: Invasion start
1 Z-Sec Pistol (50 hp) T: Invasion start
2 Bullets
1 Medkit Small on Marine
Old Comm Engineering:
1 Zombie T: One second after exiting Old Comm Main
Underground Garage:
1 Zombie T: Exiting the airlock
Maintenance Area PD1:
1 Zombie T: Getting 64 map units close to the door
Energy Delivery:
1 Zombie T: Exiting the maintenance area
1 Z-Sec Pistol (6 shots, 0.5-2 seconds cover in alcove, comes for you after 12 secs,) T: Crossing the first section of the bridge
1 Bullets
1 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
3 Armor Shards
Energy Processing:
1 Z-Sec Pistol (80 hp, 5 shots, 0.5-2 seconds cover behind crate, comes for you after 15 secs) T: 0.25 secondsafter entering the room
1 Zombie T: Gettingnear the table with the supplies
1 Zombie (20 hp, starts moving 0.5 secondsafter opening the door)
1 Zombie T: Going past the machine on your left
2 Bullets +1 on Recruit
2 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
9 Armor Shards +2on Marine, +5on Recruit
EP Aerobic Stabilizer:
4 Zombies -1 on Marine T:Lowering the platform, fourth one activates after 1 second OR if you approach its alcove
1 Shotgun
1 Shells Small
1 Bullets
3 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
1 Security Armor
7 Armor Shards
EP Control Unit:
1 Zombie T: 0.1 seconds after the the lights turn off
1 Z-Sec Shotgun (60 hp, extremely complex, see footnote) T: 20.1 seconds after the lights turn off OR if you approach the stairs
3 Zombies
4 Shells Small -1 on Recruit
1 Shotgun
2 Bullets +1 on Recruit
1 Medkit Small +1 on Marine, +2 on Recruit
3 Armor Shards +1 on Marine, +2 on Recruit
1 Health Station 100%
1 Shells Large on Recruit
EP Aerobic Stabilizer (Gas Leak):
1 Imp T: On sight after the cutscene ends
1 Shells Small
1 Medkit Large
4 Armor Shards
Energy Processing:
1 Imp T: Approaching the first machine
1 Zombie T: Walking past the third machine
1 Shells Large (secret hatch)
1 Medkit Small (secret hatch)
Energy Processing:
1 Imp (behind you) T: 2 seconds after approaching the supplies, run back to see him appear out of thin air
1 Zombie T: Approaching the supplies
1 Medkit Small
1 Shells Small
4 Armor Shards +3 on Recruit
1 Security Armor (locker, open if you saved Eric)
1 Medkit Small (locker, open if you saved Eric)
Energy Processing (RAR-a4):
1 Imp T: Approaching the servers, the imp will be leaping to the side from behind them
1 Zombie T: Standing where the imp leapt from
1 Z-Sec Shotgun -1 on Marine T:Killing the imp OR opening the door to exit the room, comes from Convergence Chamber 2
1 Bullets
1 Shells Small +1 on Recruit
1 Health Station 50%
1 Shells Small (after backtracking)
3 Armor Shards (after backtracking)
Energy Stabilization Unit:
1 Imp (leaps on sight after opening the door, watch out) T: Invasion start
1 Imp T: 1 second after standing near the hole that Scotty worked in
1 Z-Sec Shotgun (behind you) T: Going as far in as the locker on your right is, will spawn out of thin air, also opens the supplies in the last room
Maintenance Area CS1:
1 Imp T: Approaching the stairs, technically on sight
Underground Junction:
1 Imp T: Walking far enough in, climbs from the railing
Underground Security Checkpoint:
1 Imp T: Approaching the Security Checkpoint door
1 Z-Sec Shotgun T: Wakes up on sight
1 Shells Small
4 Armor Shards
1 Health Station 100%
Underground Junction:
1 Z-Sec Shotgun T: Entering the Security Checkpoint, will camp outside the door
MCU Storage:
1 Bullets
2 Cells Small
2 Armor Shards
1 Health Station 80%
Underground Security Checkpoint:
1 Imp T: Approaching the center of the room, the imp will drop down
1 Imp (behind you) T: After picking up the items in the second locker
2 Machine Gun
2 Shotguns
2 Clip Small
Underground Access Elevator:
1 Z-Sec Pistol T: After pressing the elevator button
The Shotgun Z-Sec in EP Control Unit is unnecessarily dynamic and uses these covers depending on where you are:
Cover 1, crate at the top of the stairs- 5 shots, 0.5-1.5 seconds behindcover, can only be used once
Cover 2, crate at the end of the hall- 5 shots, 0.5-2 seconds behind cover, can only be used once
Cover 3, wall where the zombie ragdoll was- 5 shots, 0.5-3 seconds behindcover, shooting fov is bugged because he will be pointing at the wall most of the time
I think this should be on the wiki's walkthrough page and I also fear this topic triggering for spam. I have just updated this to include enemies.
Edited by BonciuADV